25 Simple Dog Treat Recipes Made With 5 Ingredients or Less
I’m not gonna lie — when it comes to making dinner I’m a terrible cook. But there is one kind of cooking that always goes over well in my home — making homemade dog treats.
Every month I pick out a new dog treat recipe to try, and my dog loves the process from start to finish. My cooking might freak out my friends, but to my dog I’m the world’s greatest chef.
And since I’ve made so many different dog treat recipes over the years I decided to put together a list of my favorites. Here’s 25 simple dog treat recipes, all made with 5 ingredients or less.
25 Simple Dog Treat Recipes: Made With 5 Ingredients or Less
If you’ve never made your own dog treats before I suggest starting with one of the dog treat recipes from the list below. In fact I’d recommend these recipes to anyone, regardless of baking skill. No need to get extra complicated, your dog will love any of these simple recipes.
What I really love about making my own dog treats is that I control not only what goes in them, but the portion size. And often times making your own treats is a lot less expensive than buying them from the store — especially with these simple recipes because so many of them are made with things many of us already have at home.
With five ingredients or less these simple dog treat recipes are easy to make, even for novice cooks like myself. And if your treats don’t turn out as pretty as they do in their photos don’t worry — to your dog they’ll still be the world’s best dog treats.
Here’s 25 simple dog treat recipes, all made with 5 ingredients or less. From grain free dog treats to frozen options, there’s a dog treat recipe that’s right for everyone.

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1. Quick & Easy Peanut Butter Treats / Puppy Leaks
Does your dog love peanut butter as much as mine does? If so you can’t go wrong with this simple dog treat recipe — it’s a staple in my house. You’ll need 2 cups of flour, 1/2 cup peanut butter and 2 eggs. Mix the ingredients together until combined, and then add water until it becomes wet enough to roll out as dough. This is my go to recipe; my dog goes absolutely nuts for them.
3 ingredients + water, 20 minute cook time
2. Chicken Dog Treats / Kol’s Notes
Laika loves chicken, and these homemade dog treats make her go insane — just a fair warning. You’ll need a cup of diced chicken, half cup of cooked rice, 3 tablespoons of rice flour, tablespoon of parsley, and one egg. If you don’t have chicken on hand you can dice up your pups favorite meat for this simple recipe as a substitute.
Five ingredients, 20-30 minute cook time.
3. Easy Two-Ingredient Dog Treats / Dog-Milk
This homemade dog treat recipe is perfect for novice cooks (myself included). If you’re interested in making some super simple dog treats I’d recommend starting out with this easy recipe. The only ingredients you need are 2 cups of organic whole wheat flour and 2 jars of pureed baby food. For the baby food I’ve found Laika loves blueberry, beef and sweet potato.
Two ingredient dog treats: 20-25 minute cook time.
4. Homemade Dog Biscuits / Kitchen Confidante
These homemade dog biscuits made with five ingredients are one of my favorites. You’ll need whole wheat flour, oats, flaxseed, beef broth, and peanut butter. If you don’t have any fun cookie cutters you can use my living like a bachelor method; use the tops of your shot glasses.
Five ingredients dog treats, 20 minute cook time.
5. Sweet Potato Fries for Dogs / Beagles and Bargains
We all need our veggies, and luckily sweet potato seems to be quite popular with our canine friends. For this homemade dog treat recipe you’ll need a sweet potato, coconut oil, cinnamon, and turmeric. These are a great way for both you and your pup to get in some of your daily vegetable servings – they’re delicious.
Four ingredients, 30 minute cook time.
6. Frozen Apple Dog Treats / Irresistible Pets
This dog treat recipe is so simple it doesn’t even involve any cooking. If you’ve got two apples, a cup of nonfat plain yogurt, and some ice cube trays you’ve got yourself a yummy treat your dog will love. My dog Laika absolutely loves these treats.
Two ingredients (plus water), freeze for a couple hours.
7. Cheesy Bone Treats / Sugar The Golden Retriever
These homemade dog treats will make your kitchen smell awesome; good lucking keeping your dog out of the kitchen while making these. You’ll need four cups of flour, two cups of shredded cheese, some oil, and water – just that simple.
Four ingredients, 3 hour cook time.
8. Apple Cinnamon Dog Treats / Two Little Cavaliers
If you want to impress your dog try out this simple dog treat treat recipe. It’s another one that smells awesome so expect some excitement in the kitchen while you’re cooking these. You’ll need one cup of dry quick cook oatmeal, half cup of apple sauce, and one egg.
Three ingredients, 22 minute cook time.
9. Vegan Pumpkin Dog Treats / Okonomi Kitchen
Looking for a vegan dog treat recipe? This recipe uses 4 ingredients and is super easy to make.
Four ingredient dog treats: vegan, 30 minute cook time.
10. Ginger Apple Dog Treats / Lola The Pitty
This homemade dog treat recipe is another great option for our canine companions that have grain allergies. You’ll need one cup of brown rice flour, one cup of diced apple, two thirds cup plain yogurt, half teaspoon ginger, and one tablespoon of coconut oil. These ones are not only simply but they’re quick – cooking time is only 25 minutes.
Five ingredients, 25 minute cook time.
11. Apple Carrot Dog Treats / My Baking Addiction
Laika loves carrots and apples, so these simple dog treats are one of her favorites. As soon as I grab a few carrots she starts licking her lips. For this recipe you’ll need a cup of whole wheat flour, one cup of grated carrots, one egg, and a half cup of apple sauce.
Four ingredients, 30-40 minute bake time.
12. Diabetic Dog Treats Recipe / All Recipes
When you’ve got a diabetic dog it can be hard to find suitable dog treat recipes. This one is super easy to prepare takes only 15 minutes to cook. You’ll need a half cup of whole wheat flour (watch for gluten levels), two eggs, and one a half pounds of beef liver cut into small pieces.
Three ingredients, 15 minute bake time.
13. Best of Breed Dog Biscuits / King Arthur Flour
This dog biscuit recipe with peanut butter gets Laika drooling. Anything with peanut butter is pretty much guaranteed to be a big hit around here. You’ll need two cups of flour, one cup of rolled oats, a tablespoon of parsley, half cup of dry milk, and a half teaspoon of salt.
Five ingredients, 40-60 minute bake time.
14. Easy DIY Dog Treats / She Knows
This homemade dog treat recipe is extremely simple. If your dog does fine with wheat and milk I’d recommend trying this out if it’s your first time baking dog treats. For this simple recipe you’ll need two cups of whole wheat flour, one cup of peanut butter, one cup of skim milk, and a tablespoon of baking powder.
Four ingredients, 15-20 minute bake time.
15. Banana Almond Puppy Treats Recipe / Pretty Fluffy
This a great soft dog treat recipe for puppies and grown dogs alike. And just so you know the smells in your kitchen will be amazing when making these. You’ll need one egg, three fourths cup unsalted almond butter, one third of a banana, and a teaspoon of cinnamon.
Four ingredients, 10 minute bake time.
16. Pumpkin Carrot Bites / Pawsitively Pets
This simple dog treat recipe is one of my favorites — it yields a bunch of great smelling, bite sized treats that are perfect for training rewards. For this simple recipe you’ll need three fourths cup canned pumpkin, one egg, one fourth cup shredded carrots, and a cup of whole wheat flour.
Four ingredients, 30-35 minute bake time.
17. Simple Pumpkin Cookies / My GBGV Life
If you’ve never made pumpkin dogs treats before this is a great recipe to start with. These treats are delicious and easy to prepare. You’ll need one egg, 2/3 cup pure canned pumpkin, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, and 1 & 1/2 cups of flour.
Four ingredients, 4o minute bake time.
18. Salmon & Sweet Potato Dog Treats / Kol’s Notes
These homemade dog treats are perfect for training because they’re soft, making them easy to break into small bite sized pieces. They’re also great for older dogs who don’t love super crunchy treats. You’ll need one can of salmon, one medium sweet potato, two eggs, one third cup coconut flour, and coconut oil for greasing the pan.
Five ingredients, 60-70 minute bake time.
19. Frozen Fall Pumpkin Treats / Spencer the Goldendoodle
This easy dog treat recipe is perfect for anyone — it only uses three ingredients and takes less than 15 minutes to make and clean up (not including freeze time). You’re going to need one can of 100% pumpkin puree, one cup plain yogurt, an a half cup peanut butter.
Three ingredients, freeze time 12 hours.
20. Easy Dog Cookie Recipe / M. K. Clinton
This dog treat recipe is delicious and simple. If you want to make some good looking dog cookies the icing (yogurt) will give them a nice personalized touch. For this easy recipe you’ll need a half cup cornmeal, six tablespoons of oil, two cups whole wheat flour, four ounces plain yogurt, and and two thirds cut water or broth.
Five ingredients, 35-40 minutes bake time.
21. Heart Shaped Cranberry Cookies / The Lazy Pitbull
These dog cookies are super cute (especially with heart shaped cookie cutters) and they’re easy to make. For this recipe you’ll need 2 eggs, 1.5 cups wheat flour, 1 tbsp. coconut oil, 3 tbsp. coconut flour and a 1/2 cup of dried cranberries.
Five ingredients, 15-20 minute bake time.
22. Fruity Frosty Hearts / Talent Hounds
If your dog loves fruit this dog treat recipe is perfect, and they’re great for novices since there’s no cooking involved. The ingredients you need are watermelon, raspberries & yogurt. You mix those three ingredients together and place them in an ice tray and just wait for them to freeze.
Three ingredients, ready when they’re frozen.
23. Pumpkin-Blueberry-Bacon Pupsicles / Daisy the French Bulldog
This easy dog treat recipe is the perfect summer treat for your pooch. and they’re super cute. Oh yeah, and the best part is there’s no baking involved –they just need a couple of hours to freeze. You’ll need 1 can of pumpkin, 1 strip of bacon, 1 cup water, blueberries, and a package of rawhide sticks (for the “handle”).
Four ingredients + water, ready when frozen in a couple hours.
24. Birthday Bones/ All Recipes
This dog treat recipe is perfect if you’ve got some fun cookie cutters on hand. And since it’s peanut butter based it’s pretty much guaranteed to be a hit with your dog. I have yet to meet a dog who doesn’t go bonkers for PB. For this recipe you’ll need 2 cups of whole wheat flout, 1 tablespoon baking powder, 1 cup unsalted natural peanut butter and 1 cup skim milk.
Four ingredients, 20 minute bake time at 375 F.
25. Peanut Butter Holiday Dog Treats / Dogvills
This simple dog treat recipe only uses 3 ingredients, making it a great one for beginners to try out. For this recipe you’ll need 1 cup of mashed sweet potatoes, 1 cup whole wheat flour, and a 1/2 cup of peanut butter.
Three ingredients, 10 minute bake time at 350 F.
The Benefits of Making Homemade Dog Treats
When it comes to making dog treats at home you might be asking yourself if it’s worth the effort. I love making treats, but the benefits go beyond just making my dog happy.
When it comes to dog treats I prefer making my own rather than buying them. It’s nice knowing exactly what’s going into your dog’s treats, and I love being able to control the portion size. Some of the other benefits of making homemade dog treats include:
- You know all the ingredients included in your dog’s treats
- You can easily adjust the portion size
- They’ll make your kitchen smell awesome
- They’re a great way to practice your baking skills
- Your dog will getting an extra special treat made by you
- You’ll have a nice supply of training treats on hand
- Baking can be relaxing (well it is to weirdos like me at least)
- Making dog treats (and baking in general) fosters creative expression
And if you’re interested in more dog treat recipes be sure to check out our list of 39 Healthy Snacks You Can Stuff in a Kong & 20 Frozen Dog Treat Recipes.
Anyone Can Make Homemade Dog Treats
So there they are my friends — 25 of my favorite homemade dog treat recipes, each using five ingredients or less. Be sure to bookmark this page for future reference — your dog will be quite grateful.
Even if you’ve never baked a thing in your life you can make these simple dog treat recipes. It’s hard to go wrong with five ingredients or less, and there’s comfort to be found in knowing exactly what’s going into your dog’s food. I make homemade dog treats when we’re working on any new training behaviors – the extra focus they bring is priceless.
Give your dog a little extra gift this weekend by making him some homemade dog treats. I guarantee he’ll be impressed by your cooking skills; even if your human friends aren’t. To my friends my cooking is a nightmare, but to my dog I’m the world’s best chef.

Please share with your friends 🙂
Great recipe list! Thanks for mentioning us in your post! The fewer the ingredients, the better usually! Merry Christmas!
I couldn’t agree more – so many times a bunch of extra additions just ends up taking away from a bunch of the deliciousness. I like my recipes simple and easy.
how do you make them
You can find the full instructions on any of these recipes by clicking on the site name of the one you’re interested in (to the right of the recipe name itself).
What temperature do you cook the treats in (fan forced please)
The full instructions for each recipe is available by clicking on link next to the treat name.
ik right
click on the blue outline, then it will go to a different page with the baking process
I am trying to make dog treats for my dogs b day. Which one should I us?
birthday bones
I waslooking for treats that didn’t have flour. my dog’s vet said no potatoes and no carbohydrates. he is an old pup and we are trying to stop feeding him at the table. going to try some of the recopies for a treat so he can continue eating with us for years to come.
You can substitute Flour with oatmeal.
Yeah i agree i am making treats for a shnouser do you have any reccommendations
I’ve tried 1 of your recipes and my dog loved it! I’m not sure how long to keep them or if you have any recipes to keep his weight down?
agree, this is nice recipe list.
My girl loves everything DOGS. Our house is half a zoo at this point. I’m favoriting your cite and passing your info on to the dog lovers in my life.
Great recipes!
Thank you so much for sharing our recipe! Merry Christmas ♥
WOW! Great list! I have to say perfect not just for beginners, but for someone like me who lacks patience (aka “lazy”) 🙂 I’m really thinking about a dehydrator too – one ingredient dog treats!
I’m really lazy when it comes to cooking as well so definitely – I consider these my go to recipes 🙂
How long do these products last? Thank you.
Hi yes
I’m readying this too and would also like to know how long you can store them for the best way to store them
When I made the peanut butter ones, they started to mold within a few days in my airtight container on the counter. Now I keep them in the freezer. Dogs love them that way and they stay fresh (even though they eat them within a week).
thank you for the great list. pinned it to go back to so I can make some yummy treats. have a great weekend.
So baking time is 350 for the top cookies?
My baby is 15 yrs as of Nov 30, 2019.
She is a small Chihuahua and is getting on pounds lol…ty for the GR8 treats.
Such great recipes!
Those treats all sound yummy! I do more cooking for my dogs than I do for myself. I really must try some of those recipes out 🙂
I do not have time to cook for my dog and prepare food for it from outside.
Fantastic recipe list and I love your encouragement to readers intimidated by the kitchen 🙂
When it comes to cooking I stick to simple lol, I can’t handle much more 🙂
That is a great list. I made apple and yogurt frozen treats when apples were in season, but I chopped the apples. Dogs don’t care if there are chunks…lol. I also made it with blueberries that I blended when the blueberries were fresh. You can mix any fruit with yogurt and freeze for a quick treat.
(any fruit except for grapes, cherries, plums, grapefruit, lemons, limes, and avocados)
Why not cherries? We had a yellow lab that grew up on a cherry orchard and every season for his 12 years he gorged on low hanging fruit. I don’t think anyone could have stopped him
Right, dogs can’t any of those except for the cherries. They can eat the flesh, but not the pit. Also, I knew of a dog that ate grapefruit, but it’s not so good for dogs so I’d just stay away from it even if they like it a lot.
Cherries are poisonous to dogs. SERIOUSLY DUDE.
Great list! Thanks for including my recipe on this. Everything looks delicious! Shiner demands that I get to work now 🙂 I have another one planned soon… well kind of, anyways.
Super post and great recipes – my momma’s gonna make me some of these dis weekend (hint, hint: sweet potato fries!)! Thanks for posting!
Great list – yum. I’ve tried some of them and will make my way down the list. You should try our latest on Tasty Tuesday- the Fruity Frosty Hearts- super easy, 3 ingredients (and you can mix them up) only took 5 minutes and Kilo and I and Ange all loved them. X Susie
Those looks great; I gladly added them to the list 🙂
I’m a horrible cook too! I tend to stick to store bought treats for my kitties so I don’t burn the house down. LOL These do look like quick, simple recipes for dog treats! I bet your dog loves them.
-Purrs from your friends at http://www.PlayfulKitty.net
What a great compilation of recipes! We agree, the fewer the ingredients the better.
I only baked salmon cookies for training classes because I needed something really stinky. Otherwise our treats typically have only one ingredient – meat/organ meat. Though I make our own Kong filling which typically has ground up slow-cooked carcass 50/50 with a vegetable (e.g. cabbage, brussell sprouts, broccoli …) and some apple cider vinegar.
Big fan of homemade treats over here!
So many of these sound soooo yummy! We’re thinking about trying the sweet potato treats! Yum!
What a great round up! We recognize so many of these names and want to try some! Just gotta get Mom on board!
Great list! I’ll have to bookmark it!
–Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats
These look fantastic, I will definitely try the sweet potato fries & the 2 ingredient recipe w/ baby food! So quick & easy
Great thanks for adding us. Love quick and easy treats.
Wow, thank you so much for the great ideas. My dogs will also thank you as they devour it. 🙂
Such a great recipe list, now I can make some yummy treats for my girl.
These are great, but I noticed one of them calls for using almond butter. Almonds should never be feed to dogs, they are on the poisonous list.
While almonds alone aren’t recommended due to being a potential choking hazard they’re not toxic to dogs. They do have a tendency to hold water, aren’t easily digestible & are high in fats so they wouldn’t be recommended as a stand alone snack for dogs.
One calls for bacon, dogs shouldn’t have bacon.
As long as they don’t have so much that it is fattening, they will be fine.
Hi. You have such an extensive list of recipes! Which one’s are soft?
How long will these stay good for.
It depends which recipe you’re speaking of. Some of the ingredients (like bananas) won’t keep nearly as well as the ones made from flour & peanut butter.
I’m building a healthy dog food website (really healthy).
I’ve always fed my dog’s raw but I do make simple treats… usually out of organic chicken, fish, etc.
Anyway, I am building a page about making your own dog treats and am looking for some healthy ideas that are not made from meat.
Can I use some of your recipes… I am looking for really healthy treats (and simple).
Scott and Nimble Doggie.
These are recipes from other blogs, not my own, so I suggest you reach out to the owners to get their permission.
am i to assume that the recipes w/o the oven temp is suppose to be 350.. i saw it on quite a few.. had the time frame but no temp
The temps vary by treat, I just wanted to give the time & ingredient list so people could decide if they want to check out the recipes.
Ok silly Question on these recipes what are the oven Temps for cooking them.
Each recipe has a different cooking temp so I linked to the original. Just wanted to have a quick way to find out if you have the ingredients needed & then you can go to the ones you’re interested in making for the complete directions.
Click on each recipe and it will take you to the original site.
Great recipe and going to try some for my Yorkie.
Just asking if you use wholewheat flour or normal flour?
I used unbleached white flour, but there shouldn’t be any problem subbing in whole wheat flour instead.
Okay but what am i supposed to preheat my oven to??? I’d hate to over cook or undercook them not knowing when they’re actually supposed to be done.
Which recipe are you referring to? Each of them has a link to the full instructions if you’re looking for more information.
Love your heart! How many times have you said that Lolol
My daughter volunteers at a dog rescue and we want to make several different batches and bring them to share in celebrating her birthday in a couple months. I LOVE the variety of recipes and especially ones for those dogs with grain allergies or that are diabetic! My question is, will the treats still be good if we make ahead of time and freeze them until closer to the big day? Sadly, I’m not much of a cook so I am not familiar with what freezes well and what wouldn’t.
Many of them should be fine if you freeze them, though I would say any of the recipes with bananas (or other fruits) will go bad quicker than the others.
I didn’t realize you could make dog treats with only 2 ingredients, That’s awesome! All of the recipes sound great. I read some of the other posts, and I’m borrowing one of the ideas. My daughter is in a Girl Scout troop and her troop’s project is to volunteer at a shelter. I will check with the shelter and see if we can bring homemade treats. Thanks for all of the ideas!
I love this list! First time making dog treats, didn’t have all the ingredients for one recipe so I used this as inspiration. I used peanut butter, eggs, flour, honey, and vegetable broth to make soft, chewy dog biscuits and used a heart cookie cutter. My pugs & chihuahua, and my boyfriend’s goldens loved em! Even tried one myself heheh – turned out like lightly sweetened peanut butter cookies.
Will definitely be returning to this list for more treats soon!
Thanks for the comment, and I have to admit when I make dog treats I usually end up tasting them myself – and I have been surprised by how tasty they are.
Did you have quantities/times etc for these? They sound really good and I think my Chi pup would love them. He’s not in to crunchy things yet.
Yep, if you click on the title they’ll take you to the original recipe with the full instructions.
We have two Australian puppies! Cutest pups ever! I love making their treats as I like to know exactly what is in them and they love them also! This site is the best one ever THANKS!
Hi Jenn,
What is the oven temperature for the treats? Are they all different temperatures?
Yeah they’re all different. If you click on the blog’s name to the right of the recipe name itself it’ll take you to the page with complete instructions.
Love these recipes, but double check ingredients!!! Dogs should not eat cinnamon.
need to know what temperature you are baking these treats on I didn’t see anything in the direction for the temperature. I am making some for a fundraiser for humane society on 23rd of September
If you click on the title of the recipe itself it will take you to the page with the full instructions for each, including the baking temperature.
This was really great! I made these for my dogs birthday and she loves them. Thank you
Thank you for sharing this wonderful article on dog treats! Since I am pretty clumsy around the kitchen, I am going to give the frozen apple treat a try. I will let you know how my Afghan Hound responds. Thanks again!
Like This! .
I used peanut butter, eggs, flour, honey, and vegetable broth to make soft, chewy dog biscuits and used a heart cookie cutter
I made the first recipe on for my very first time making dog treats. My fur-babies loved them.
Thank you so much!!
Fantastic list! I loved every recipe, until I read #23. I don’t care how little it is, bacon is not good for any animal (although it’s one of MY favorite foods and I’ll eat it, but I won’t give it to my dogs). I read one blogger justify bacon in their dog treat recipe by saying that for the number of treats that their recipe provided, one piece of bacon wasn’t going to hurt a dog. That may be true, but it’s not worth it. Boiled chicken might be used instead. I guarantee dogs would love it, and it would be safer for them. Just as a reminder, the American Kennel Club states:
“In 2015, the World Health Organization found that processed meats such as bacon and sausage were known carcinogens linked to cancer. Bacon is an incredibly rich and fatty food with a high salt content, which can prove to be too much for a dog’s stomach to handle. Eating a large amount can cause pancreatitis, which can be fatal.” [http://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/natural-foods/can-dogs-eat-pork/]”
Great list. Thanks for doing the research on homemade dog treats. My dogs love all of the ones I make for them, and I love the way they thank me.
Also, though I may have missed it, I did not see any warning about being cautious when using peanut butter. Some PB’s have xylitol and kill a dog. Please make sure you read the label before use.
It’s best to always check with a veterinarian what they think with regards to ingredients and your specific dog. Some are more prone to allergies etc. My one chihuahua has both pancreatitis and Hepatic encephalopathy so some ingredients can literally be lethal to him. I ALWAYS check with the vet to get his feedback.
Hey Jen,
You’ve been at this “business” a while and it would seem you have heard everything under the sun. As I read your comments above, I noticed how patient and kind you are with each person who comments, even if you’ve said the same thing a hundred times, lol. I’m in marketing, and I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but just wanted to point out that your heading and claim could be considered confusing. I landed on your page following a link, “25 Simple Dog Treat Recipes: 5 Ingredients or less.” When I arrived on your page, the heading said “23 Simple Dog Treat Recipes: 5 Ingredients or less.” Perhaps most people wouldn’t notice that the information doesn’t match, but being a person of integrity, I thought you would want to be aware, so you could adjust the Headline to match the claim. Thank you for caring for those furry friends we love so much!
Thanks, and the reason for the discrepancy is because I’ve added a couple more recipes to this list recently. I did update the title and heading and in the body of the article itself, but I haven’t updated all the images yet (one of them says 22, and the one at the top still says 23). Thanks for the reminder, it’s something I’ve been meaning to get around to.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful article on dog treats! Since I am pretty clumsy around the kitchen, I am going to give the frozen apple treat a try. I will let you know how my Afghan Hound responds. Thanks again!
Lots to choose from, My dog’s favourite has been #8 the apple cinnamon treats I added in some leftover bacon I had and my dog couldn’t get enough of them, I left some in the Freezer too and you can give them right out of the Freezer for a more chewy treat!
baking powder. no. milk. no. bacon. no.
“some oil” You have to be very specific on the type of oil you use when making dog treats. 100% organic extra virgin olive oil is safe. Vegetable, and canola is not safe. Baby food..? Why? Just mix your own stuff together.
The point of homemade dog treats is to stay away from preservatives, chemicals, dyes and all the other nonsense. Be smart. Do extensive research on the ingredients you wish to use and the alternative to each of them. Even if you think your dog has a ‘tolerance’ for milk, you should use it regardless unless you 100% know of any additives. In that case I just take milk right out of the equation. Theres no need for it anyway.
Why is Marlene so critical??? If these recipes don’t fit your intolerant dog’s diet requirements…..
move along.
I don’t think she’s being critical she’s trying to keep dogs safe and pet owners aware of ingredients dogs can/can’t have. A few of these recipes have ingredients that dogs shouldn’t have according to veterinarians. Do research is all she’s saying..
my daughter gave me a deer head/ applehead chiahihiau for a late chritmas present she will be 1 year old the end of july I am noticeing the she will not eat the store boughten treats so I thought I would try homemade treats im also noticeing she will not play with toys I think because she was mistreated befor I got her I keep trying thank you for listening
Chi’s can be fussy sometimes (I have three!?) one of mine is also a rescue and they do come with “baggage “ bless them. Patience, love, gentle encouragement and reinforcement will be the order of the day. Please consult your veterinarian BEFORE using ANY recipe from here or any site. Not to criticise these recipes, they are really good. It’s wonderful making home food for your fur baby ( I have to make all mine as my dog is a poorly old chap and has many things going wrong now) but always check to be on the safe side for your little one and your peace of mind ? Hope she has settled with you now.
There are some with ingredients that dogs shouldn’t have according to AKC I suggest you do your research just like you would for yourself…but amazing list! I am an’t wait to start spoiling my baby girl!
Thank you!
This is a fantastic list! Thank you! I made my dog scrambled eggs and cheese for breakfast, so knowing I can make actual dog treats is a fun idea. It never occurred to me.
How much or what size of cans (and or from) goes into the recipes that call for pumpkin I got large cans (to make a lot of treats and forgot about how the recipies that call for pumpkin only say …let’s say 2/3 of a can) how many ounces or cups would/ do they mean?
If you click on the site name to the right of the recipe it’ll take you to the full instructions.
could anyone possibly tell about the yogurt icing one ? Do you just leave out the yogurt ? Mix everything together? …or wht? … the site wasn’t very specific… pleased and thank you! (:
Most clinton*
Do I store these in frig or in pantry? How long do they remain fresh?
Which recipe? If you’re referring to the first one (the peanut butter ones) they’ll last a week in the pantry and a couple weeks in the fridge.
I think homemade dog recipes are better for the dogs.
You have an interesting opinion, I also agree
OMG! Thanks a lot for sharing such an informative page about 25 Simple Dog Treat Recipes. I have read your valuable page and gotten much information. I have learned a lot from you that I did not know before. I confused for choosing the dog food recipes information what would be the best for everything but now my confusion has cleared by your review. I hope your all information will help me. Thanks again Jen Gabbard and Keep it up………..
Do you have any dog treat recipies that humans can eat as well?
You could eat any of them the way they are as long as you don’t have any allergies to any of the ingredients. If you’re a little weirded out because they’re treats made for dogs I’d avoid using bone shaped cookie cutters or anything else that makes them look like they’re just made for dogs.
I’ve tasted quite a few of them and they’re pretty good 🙂 A lot of the cookie type ones just taste like traditional sugar free cookies.
How good will these be after baked, do you suggest putting in the fridge or leave out in a cookie jar ?
Which recipe are you referring to? If you’re talking about the first one they’re good for about a week if you leave them out. I usually leave half out and freeze the other half for later.
great article! I always try to feed my pooch the very best!
Nicely explained, today I actually made this dog treat recipes for my family, it tastes delicious. It is a guaranteed method of fast cooking and does retain the nutritive value of food.
good job . thanks for sharing
Wow Great dog treats! this really helps with my home made treats, however sometimes I’m tired and so far I just trust in one brand I found (KnK Dog Supplies), these are really home made peanut butter dog treats human grade! fully recommended!!
are you able to use all purpose or self rising flour if you don’t have whole wheat flour?
Just out of curiosity what about using all natural almond butter and coconut oil could that be made into a dog treat
On the article, 25 simple dog treats…..
Please make sure the peanut butter does not contain Xylital!!! Cheaper than sugar/hfcs, it’s being used more and more.
My Bailey (Golden Retriever) loves it. Bailey loves Chicken Dog Treats and I use recipe no.2 for it.
Homemade dog biscuits ARE REALLY easy to cook and very healthy for puppy to give them as a sort of appreciation while training. https://k9deb.com/best-dog-training-treat-bags/
Wow, thank you so much for collecting and sharing all of these recipes! I’m looking forward to see which one of those my puppy likes the most!
Looking at all these different recipes makes me feel like a slacker doggy mom. I need to get on it and bake some of these treats for my pooch! Pinning now to try soon.
WOW,I’m impressed,Hopefully my furbabes will be as well..
Thanx a bunch!?
I’ve tried making baby food dog treats before but this two ingredient recipe was even easier. Thanks for including it. I love how simple these recipes are!
Could you not do so much with peanut Butter because I am allergic to peanut butter and all nuts and it is kind of hard for me to make something when it has peanut butter or nuts
Just made #18. Added 1/2 can of pumpkin to the recipe and made two batches. They are indeed soft even when cooked a little longer than the recipe recommends. Yummy!
Made the “She Knows” peanut butter treats this evening. My dogs love them. Thanks for a great simple recipe.
How long do you cook? at what temp? do you cut them before baking? frying? microwaving? Not enough info for me to make, but look interesting.
Click on the name of the company next to the name to see the recipe
Have always been a dog lover, chef/baker, make my girls (4 dogs) their breakfast and treats everyday. Currently in process of opening a grooming and goodie shop – this list is amazing to help me with extra recipes for pups & their parents coming to visit. Thanks so much sharing! Definitely will be adding myself to your mailing list!
Thank you for sharing this article, I will always have more dog raising knowledge
This is such awesome food. Since we started using it our dogs seem more energetic. I found this food through your article so thanks so much 🙂
Thank you! Jen, for sharing these awesome dog treat recipes will definitely try them out.
Never thought about making my own dog treats…gotta try some of these recipes!
I will add your list to my dog’s menu, Thank you for sharing!
Thanks a lot Jen, I can now know how to go about and make my own dog treats. Keep up the good work.
From your friend @ Theinfoguiders.com
Great sharing! I always had trouble taking care of my dogs. You helped me do that a lot easier. Thank You.
What temperature is the oven supposed to be at?
Thanks for the list of awesome and simple homemade treats! Can’t wait to try some of them out for my fur babies. We have 7, yes, count them 7 Chihuahuas! I already cook for one of their meals, (they get a grain free chicken, pumpkin, sweet potato dry food for the other meal.) Anything I can make for them not only saves us money but I like knowing they are getting quality ingredients too. I have some sweet potatoes baking now for their dinner so I think I’ll start with the peanut butter and sweet potato treat. Thanks again!
Thank you for your best website, God willing 🙂
Such a nice foods. They are useful article. I will always have more dog raising knowledge. Thank you for sharing this article.
Thank you for sharing this article, I will always have more dog raising knowledge
Great collection of recipes, something to suit everyone there
Just an FYI incase someone doesn’t know, tinned pumpkin should be the pure stuff NOT the pie stuff ?
My daughter loves dogs and everything about dogs, we have a very cute dog in the house and she is my daughter’s best friend for the time being. Great for your share, taking care of the dog will be easier from here. Thank you!
Great! A lot of dog food recipes, from now on I won’t have to worry about taking care of their food anymore. my daughter loves dogs and everything about dogs. It would be fun to know this. Thanks for your great sharing!
will add your list to my dog’s menu, Thank you for sharing!
How long can these cookies ( she knows and Kol’s) can be stored?
Refrigeration did not work for me, it added moisture, even in my so called air tight tupperware boxes.
Thanks for the yummy ones, even my kids love them.
Thanks for sharing yummy recipes i know my puppy likes this very much
thank you nice 🙂
I will definitely try these recipes! Thank you for sharing!
many thanks a good deal this amazing site can be conventional in addition to relaxed.
You made it easy to take care of the dogs, yes, that’s a great thing for me, from now on I won’t have to spend a lot of time eating them, thanks for your sharing.
Thank you! Jen, for sharing these awesome dog treat recipes will definitely try them out…
I just like the valuable information you provide on your articles.
I’ll bookmark your blog and take a look at once more here frequently.
I’m fairly sure I will be told a lot of new stuff right here! Best of luck.
This material is good And it has helped me a lot in keeping pets
My dogs (sanja) love them. Thanks for a great simple recipe.
This is so easy and simple recipes of dog treat. I really love this article. A simple guide to make the homemade food, thank you for sharing this wonderful article.
What a great recipe list! I just tried biscuits for my little devil at home, I’ll try everything else on this list for this Christmas. Thank you so much for sharing.
I really like this amazing dog treat recipes. So easy to make it. A very helpful guide to make the recipe at home. Thanks for sharing it.
Just made them and my dog tasted it and now wont stop staring at me! Thank-you for the recipes.
Thanks a lot for sharing , I was very happy to find this.
Great recipes,
They all look delicious and easy to make.
My daughter loves everything Dogs. Your recipes are a great gift for her. Thanks for sharing.
This is so easy and simple recipes of dog treat. I really love this article. A simple guide to make the homemade food, thank you for sharing this wonderful article.
Thank you so much for sharing our recipe!
very good and useful article, tnx
I’ve tried 1 of your recipes and my dog loved it! I’m not sure how long to keep them or if you have any recipes to keep his weight down?
I hate cooking but making these treats for my 6 puppies is actually relaxing. For sure I save a bunch of money (having 6 dogs, spoiled dogs, takes a lot of treats. After 4 months of not buying any store bought treats, strictly these treats, my dogs have very shiny coats and over all look great! Best of all they love these treats. They know when I’m baking and hang out near the kitchen.
if you click on the title they’ll take you to the original recipe with the full instructions.
I’ve tried making baby food dog treats before but this two ingredient recipe was even easier. Thanks for including it. I love how simple these recipes are!
The recipes are incomplete. How do I get the entire recipe? What do I click on??
I have always thought about feeding my dog better food but it always seemed so expensive. This is much more realistic, I’ll give it a try!
The apple cinnamon dog treat i would just like to add cinnamon is extremely toxic to dogs so just don’t use that recipe
I have always thought about feeding my dog better food but it always seemed so expensive. This is much more realistic, I’ll give it a try!
I need a hard copy of the recipe booklet 25 simple dog treat recipes – 5 ingredients or less.
Thanks for sharing this with us. Very interesting information, worth recommending.
Thank you so much for your post. I have used some recipes here for my little Doxie.
Stay tune,
But here is the question. How should it be done the right way?
I love how simple these recipes are!
Thank you so much for your post. I have used some recipes here for my little site music
I tried one of your recipes and seriously my dog loves it.
Thanks for sharing this great recopies, I’ll definitely gonna try these.
Great recipe, I will writing this recipe on my book
good job . thanks for sharing
your recipes seriously my animal loves it.
Thanks for sharing this great recopies, I’ll definitely gonna try these.
Hello, thank you for sharing with us this super easy and healthy recipes for our dogs. I would like to know what is the baking time for some of them. Do you have that info anywhere else?
Thank you so much!!!
my dog loves your recipes
I tried the recipe, Its was good.
Do I store these in frig or in pantry? How long do they remain fresh?
Do I store these in frig or in pantry? How long do they remain fresh?
my dog loves your recipes
are you able to use all purpose or self rising flour if you don’t have whole wheat flour
Really Nice Post, thanks for sharing.
my Dog “Tommy” just loved your recipe.amazing
Do I store these in frig or in pantry? How long do they remain fresh?
my Dog “Tommy” just loved your recipe.amazing
My daughter started making dog treats in ice cube trays. It makes it quick and easy to pop out a frozen treat on a hot summer day. Although you have to be extra careful which tray you pick from when you want your own icy summer drink. 😉
Thanks for the recipes. But my “Bright” refused some recipes. But he really liked some of the dishes.
I give my dogs pasta and chicken
my dog loves your recipes
My dog verry happy when i give them dry food. They are didn’t ate wet food.
I made this for Daisy. She liked it. Thanks for the recipe.
It sounds like you make some really great food for your dogs! I bet they love it. I should try making some of those recipes myself.
My daughter started making dog treats in ice cube trays. It makes it quick and easy to pop out a frozen treat on a hot summer day. Although you have to be extra careful which tray you pick from when you want your own icy summer drink. 😉
Do you use a specific cookie cutters or molds to put the ingredients into before baking? Thanks for the ideas!!
my dog loves your recipes
What a great way to give your pup the best nutrition while still saving money! Thanks for sharing!